Finding Courage for Middle Space

Check out this series of interviews with amazing individuals who are already hard at work in “middle space.”  Be inspired as they tell about this creative, imaginative, challenging, and often lonely work in their own words.  You may want to connect with them personally or follow up on the resources they offer, as you embark on your own adventure in “courageous middle space.”

“Beyond the Election:  Moving Beyond Party to Citizenship”
 In this Inaugural season, join in the conversation about how we move from our differences of Party to our shared concerns as Citizens. 
Four individuals from across America share their perspectives:
Tim Schultz—President of 1st Amendment Partnership, a D.C. non-profit that works to support religious faith as a valued aspect of our democracy
Marian Edmonds-Allen—Executive Director of Parity, a New York City based non-profit working at the intersection of Faith and LGBT concerns
Kevin McBride—Pastor of Raymond Baptist Church in New England and former aerospace engineer seeking to bridge faith and science
Frances Mullen—recent graduate in Political Science; working in a law office in California—and seeking to inspire her generation for the work of “middle space”

View this episode here:

EPISODE 2: view it here:

‘Middle Space’ and the Middle East

 Dr. Karen Hamilton—Longtime General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches; Old Testament Scholar;  Active in Interfaith dialogue and Middle-East peacemaking efforts both in North America and the Middle East-- talks about what Canadians bring to the work of “middle space” especially in global situations involving faith and politics.